
Southern Wood Council Forestry Awards 2025

Friday 16 May 2025 | 5:00 pm
Venue: Corporate Lounges, Fourth Floor, Forsyth Barr Stadium, Dunedin

Event Details

What is it?

Every year, the forestry industry from throughout the lower South Island meet for an evening of celebration in Dunedin.  It’s the one event clearly marked on everyone’s forestry calendar  and continues to draw in 300-400 people directly employed in or associated with forest growing, wood harvesting, wood transport and timber processing from across the region to celebrate training and business success.

It’s also a really great night out

As well as the presentation of 10 major forestry awards, framed national training certificates earned by employees across Otago and Southland during the year are also awarded on the night.  There’s no cost to attend, drinks and finger food are supplied and an array of high value spot prizes are now being drawn throughout the evening.

Venue and format

The same location that’s worked so well for the industry in previous years, the Forsyth Barr Stadium in Dunedin has again been selected for 2025.  Positive feedback from the local industry on this inclusive format has encouraged us to continue with the same style of evening as in previous years.  There is no cost to those attending, the whole company or crew – along with partners can attend on the night and it truly recognises, with framed certificates awarded on the night, all those across the lower South Island that achieved formal training qualifications over the last year.

The awards evening is run by the Southern Wood Council in conjunction with Competenz.  It’s supported financially by major forestry companies, wood producers and supporting equipment, product and service suppliers to the wider industry across the region.

Where & When
  • Date | Friday 16th May 2025 5.00 – 9.30pm
  • Location | Heartland and Scenic Lounges, Fourth Floor, Forsyth Barr Stadium, Dunedin
  • 5.00 – 6.00pm | Registrations and Welcome refreshments (Sponsored by Port Otago and C3)
  • 6.00 – 8.30pm | Awards programme with Jamie McKay as MC and Guest Speaker Ric Salizzo (Sponsored by Te Uru Rakau and WIDE trust)
  • 8.30 – 9.30pm | Post awards networking and refreshments (Sponsored by 2 Tyre Tracks)
  • Cost | No Charge
Wanting further information?

Keep an eye out for further updates. If you have any questions on the 2025 awards evening – as an award nominee or if you would like to be involved as a sponsor or supporter to the awards event – please contact Rebecca Shepherd on Tel: 021 2345 297 or Email:


Nominations are open to all persons who qualify under the awards criteria. The person you nominate does not have to be an employee and you do not need to be a member of the Southern Wood Council. Anyone can nominate anyone. You can nominate yourself. Please post nominations and supporting documentation BEFORE Friday 28 March 2025.

Guest Speaker - Ric Salizzo


Ric Salizzo is a New Zealand journalist, TV presenter and producer. He is best known for producing and presenting long-running sports chat show, SportsCafe, as well as the sports current events show The Crowd Goes Wild. In the 2021 Queen’s Birthday Honours, Salizzo was appointed an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit, for services to sports media.

Great Spot Prizes will be awarded on the night!

Our guest speaker is kindly sponsored by

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    Award Categories

    Apprentice of the Year Award

    This award recognises an individual’s commitment to self-development and skill achievement through the apprenticeship programme. It is focussed on new entrants to the forestry and wood products industries who have displayed a real commitment to the industry and to training. To be eligible for this award the apprentice must:

    • Demonstrate a successful and purposeful commitment to personal development through industry training. This includes a
      consistent training programme, culture and vision.
    • Have completed an apprenticeship programme through Competenz in the training year 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025.
    • Have their nomination supported by the General Manager/Managing Director/CEO or company principal.

    Note: Training provider organisations are not eligible for this award.

    Proudly sponsored by
    Partner: {Southwood Export

    Forestry Environmental Management Excellence Award

    This award recognises an individual or company working in the forestry industry or a forestry company that has consistently demonstrated practices extending above and beyond the normal compliance with environmental management rules and regulations within the forestry industry. To be eligible for this award, the individual or company must demonstrate that they have:

    • Complied with all local Council environmental and consent regulations.
    • Consistently met or exceeded environmental best practice requirements.
    • Managed a specific event with outstanding use of best or innovative practices that benefit the environment, or have developed or implemented a new or innovative product or process that will benefit both the industry and environment.
    • Consistently implemented the Forest Owners Association Environmental Code of Practice for Plantation Forestry, Forest Practice Guides, the NZ Forest Road Engineering Manual, other relevant environmental standards such as the Forest Stewardship Council and have met the National Environmental Standard for Plantation Forestry.

    All award nominations have to be from individuals or companies currently employed or operating in the forest and wood products industries in the lower South Island.

    Proudly sponsored by
    Partner: {Ernslaw One

    Forestry Excellence Award (establishment, silviculture, fire, harvesting)

    This award recognises an individual who works within one of these areas in forestry operations and demonstrates excellence beyond best practice guidelines. This award recognises crew managers, crew foreman or supervisors or others in leadership positions. To be eligible for this award the individual must:

    • Demonstrate a high quality and productivity of work output.
    • Show evidence of on-going training.
    • Demonstrate leadership in the workplace assisting others and bringing about positive change
    • Comply to environmental and H&S practices.
    • Be recognised by their peers, company, clients and wider industry.
    Proudly sponsored by
    Partner: {Rayonier-Matariki Forests

    Forestry Trainee of the Year (harvesting) Award

    This award recognises an individual’s commitment to self-development and skill achievement in harvesting operations through industry training. To be eligible for this award the trainee must:

    • Demonstrate a successful and purposeful commitment to personal development through industry training.
    • Have completed a minimum of 1 National Certificate in the training year 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025 and have a record of ongoing training with national certification.
    • Demonstrate a high quality and productivity of work output.
    • Have their nomination supported by the General Manager/Managing Director/CEO or company principal.

    Note: Apprentices who are in a continuing Apprenticeship programme or who completed their Apprenticeship during the training year are not eligible for this award.

    Proudly sponsored by
    Partner: {Log Marketing

    Forestry Trainee of the Year (silviculture) Award

    This award recognises an individual’s commitment to self-development and skill achievement in forestry and silvicultural operations through industry training. To be eligible for this award the trainee must:

    • Demonstrate a successful and purposeful commitment to personal development through industry training.
    • Have completed a minimum of 1 National Certificate in the training year 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025 and have a record of training achievement through national certification.
    • Demonstrate a high quality and productivity of work output
    • Have their nomination supported by the General Manager/Managing Director/CEO or company principal.

    Note: Apprentices who are in a continuing Apprenticeship programme or who completed their Apprenticeship during the training year are not eligible for this award.

    Proudly sponsored by
    Partner: {Port Blakely

    Wood Processing Excellence Award

    This award recognises an individual who works within wood processing or manufacturing and demonstrates excellence beyond best practice guidelines. To be eligible for this award the individual must:

    • Demonstrate a high quality and productivity of work output
    • Show evidence of on-going training
    • Demonstrate leadership in the workplace assisting others and bringing about positive change
    • Comply to environmental and H&S practices
    • Be recognised by their peers, company, clients and wider industry
    Proudly sponsored by
    Partner: {UDC Finance

    Women in Forestry Excellence Award

    This award recognises an individual woman, who demonstrates excellence across a range of skills beyond best practice guidelines and essentially has worked “over and above” in any area of the forestry and wood products industries – silviculture, harvesting, forest management, processing, logistics or H&S.

    To be eligible for this award the individual must:

    • Demonstrate a high quality of work output
    • Demonstrate productivity in their work output
    • Show evidence of on-going training
    • Comply with environmental and health & safety practises
    • Be recognised by their peers and employers
    • Show good character being positive, honest and reliable
    Proudly sponsored by
    Partner: {Venture Forestry

    Training Contractor/Company of the Year Award

    This award recognises an individual contractor or company that demonstrates a successful and purposeful commitment to people development through industry training. To be eligible for this award the contractor or company must:

    • Demonstrate a successful and purposeful commitment to people development through industry training. This includes a consistent training programme with the majority of company employees in training or have completed training.
    • Demonstrate that the company has developed a strong training culture and vision.
    • Have a Competenz training history of at least 2 years.
    • Have their nomination supported by the General Manager/Managing Director/CEO or similar of the nominating organisation.

    Note: Training provider organisations are not eligible for this award. Please indicate on your nomination form whether the company being nominated for this award has 10 or less or more than 10 employees. This is designed to ensure both smaller and larger companies are being judged accordingly for efforts made in industry training over the year.

    Proudly sponsored by
    Partner: {City Forests

    Forestry/Wood Products Health & Safety Excellence Award

    This award recognises an individual or company that demonstrates above and beyond the general compliance of H&S policies and regulations within the forestry industry. To be eligible for this award the individual or company must have:

    • Demonstrated leadership in H&S including building a H&S culture in their business
    • Exceeded the baseline health and safety standards as per the approved code of practice for Health & Safety in Forest Operations and Competenz Best Practice Guidelines.
    • Demonstrated that their business has been significantly accident free with very little lost time through injury
    • Possibly managed a specific event or initiative with outstanding merit.
    • Demonstrated a new or innovative health & safety product which will be of advantage to industry.
    Proudly sponsored by
    Partner: {Wenita Forestry

    Outstanding Forest Industry Contribution Award

    This award celebrates an individual who has made a significant lifetime contribution to the forest or wood products sector within the Otago, Southland or South Canterbury regions. This individual may be either currently employed or recently retired.

    Proudly sponsored by
    Partner: {Competenz

    Event Sponsors

    2025 Event Sponsors

    Partner: SWC
    Partner: Te Uru Rākau – New Zealand Forest Service
    Partner: Competenz
    Partner: WIDE Trust
    Partner: City Forests
    Partner: Log Marketing
    Partner: Southwood Export
    Partner: UDC Finance
    Partner: Port Blakely
    Partner: Rayonier-Matariki Forests
    Partner: Ernslaw One
    Partner: Venture Forestry
    Partner: Wenita Forestry
    Partner: Port Otago
    Partner: C3
    Partner: 2 Tyre Tracks
    Partner: STIHL
    Partner: Hunting & Fishing
    Partner: NZ Safety Blackwoods
    Partner: SWAZI
    Partner: Ashley Communications

    2025 Awards Supporters

    Partner: South Port NZ
    Partner: Calder Stewart
    Partner: Dynes Transport
    Partner: Qube
    Partner: PF Olsen
    Partner: Finance NZ
    Partner: Pan Pac Forest Products
    Partner: IFS Growth
    Partner: Fire and Emergency NZ
    Partner: Daiken Southland
    Partner: RD Petroleum
    Partner: John Deere / D&E - Drummond & Etheridge