We’re delighted to announce that Tangaroa Walker is this year’s rescheduled training awards guest presenter. The SWC Forestry 2022 Awards is being held on Friday 26 August 2022 at the Forsyth Barr Stadium in Dunedin.
Tangaroa Walker (known as T around the community) is a successful dairy farmer today, but he didn’t start out that way. T’s early years were pretty rough. Adopted twice, he went to six different schools by the time he was six. He never read a book in his life and lived to play rugby. But he had a dream, and he knew how to do the mahi. And through dedication, hard work, and a drive to help others, T aims to make a difference every day throughout the farming community and beyond.
Today, T is a true community and industry leader running a successful 500-cow dairy farm and reaching millions as the much-loved face of Farm4Life with his practical, inspiring, crack-up videos on everything from farming to fishing, finance to whanau, and mental health management. As well as the much-loved face of Farm4Life he is involved in the online education platform the Hub that’s delivering the education farmers need 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Running a successful dairy farm in Southland, New Zealand makes him a builder, plumber, electrician, engineer, truck driver, vet, accountant, employer, employee and primary ITO trainee. His passion is evident and his delivery is like no other in the industry. You can head over to Farm4life and follow his journey or come along to the 2022 Southern Wood Council Forestry Training Awards on 26 August 2022 in Dunedin.