27th February 2024 – Otago Regional Council (ORC) and Wenita hosted the SEWG (Southern Environmental Working Group) in Dunedin. Covering topics from recent compliance trends with a focus on afforestation notifications, fire management processes within the industry highlighting the need for forestry companies to join forces to utilise skills and resources, to learning about a new soil health programme being implemented by ORC.
The initial results highlighting the positive impact plantation forestry is having on our soil health. A session on ORC consent requirements for hauling over waterways was supported by a field visit to a Wenita Harvestline operation, assessing affects with facts and interpretation of perennial rivers are important factors to ensure compliance is achieved and consents are applied for where required.
ORC is working on a guideline to support industry and council on how to interpret what a perennial river is or isn’t under the NES-CF definition.