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Transpower / Forestry Workshop [2 Oct 2019]

August 9, 2019
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If you’re a forestry contractor, harvest planner, forestry manager or owner involved in wood harvesting operations in the Otago or Southland region, this workshop has been set up for you. It’s free. What’s more, if interested, it links into a dinner meeting set up for the local forestry industry at the venue, the first in three years.

  • Date: Wednesday 2 October 2019
  • Venue: Rosebank Lodge, Balclutha
  • When: 3.00pm – Afternoon Tea | 3.30pm – Workshop | 5.30pm – Drinks

What’s been covered at the workshop?  

National grid transmission lines often run through plantation forests. There are certain requirements for all involved in harvest planning and for felling when working around these lines. The workshop is designed to discuss felling near transmission or power lines, outage planning when harvesting in and around these lines and WorkSafe’s expectations with an agreed harvest plan.  

This is an opportunity to hear from and provide feedback to on constraints and challenges with working around power lines directly with Transpower, distribution companies and WorkSafe. Further information can be found via the Safetree website.

So, what do you need to do?

Mark the date into your diary. Get the notice around the office or crew and ensure you get a few of you coming through.

If there, why not stay on for drinks, a sit-down dinner and an informative after-dinner presentation from a local that’s been working on conservation and wildlife projects in the sub-antarctic (including 13 months living at a weather station on an island 2700 km from Cape Town, Gough Island), the Falkland Islands, working at sea on 34 different Spanish fishing trawlers and doing several stints on South Georgia Island.

Further details on the dinner meeting can be found via this Southern Wood Council post.  

E-mail: caroline.rickerby@southernwoodcouncil.co.nz with numbers attending the Transpower Workshop. If also interested in the dinner meeting, download this registration form, fill in the second page and send through to us, or call to provide details by phone (Tel: 03 470 1903).

Registrations need to be received BEFORE mid-day Monday 30 September 2019

File: Print version flyer for this workshop.